Project info

Preparing for Hostile Environments with Frontier Risks Group

Client: Frontier Risks Group
Project: HEAT Course
Crew: 3
Days of shooting: 1
Shot on: RED V-Raptor with Canon 24-70 and 70-200, Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K with Sigma 18-55 on DJI RS3 Pro and DJI Mini 3 Pro
Grade: Kris Bilski – DaVinci Resolve

Heat Course Pictures 3.17.1 min scaled e1680223107721
Heat Course Pictures 3.27.1 min scaled e1680222769624
Operating in a hostile enviroment is not something you can teach in a classroom. Police, Soldiers, Media Crews and more rely on this hands-on experience
to navigate their everyday lives and prepare for the worst. Frontier Risks Group are a body of well-seasoned professionals with backgrounds in Academia, Military and Travel Risk Management. Based in the UK, they deliver risk-management-oriented courses and provide bespoke advice and consultation to a vast array of industries that require first-hand knowledge from the frontier.
Could you benefit from front-line skills? Hit up Frontier Risks Group…