Catapult Sports Commercial

Catapult's Vector Core offers advanced performance analysis and injury reduction tools for athletes and teams. Combining GPS tracking and indoor monitoring with analytical software, it provides actionable insights for improved performance and faster recovery, suitable for all sports levels.

Project: Catapult Sport Vector Pro Commercial

Client: Catapult Sport / Dojo Films

Dir – Sam Ramsden
DoP – Kris Bilski
1st AC – Ed Cotton
Gaffer – Bart Wedolowski
Shot on: BMPCC 6K & BMD Ursa Mini 12K in BRAW
Untitled 1.32 scaled

We were once again approached by our good friends at Dojo films, this time to shoot some content for a high-tech sports brand. The brief was a studio shoot, capturing shots of a new device by Catapult, which was able to track the performance of athletes and relay that data back for analysis. The aim was to make the product look as stylish as possible and highlight the different ways in which It could improve the performance of professional athletes.

Like our other work with Dojo, we were given a detailed brief before the shoot, so we knew exactly what we needed to capture. The fun part was figuring out the best way to achieve the highly stylised shots the client required. Being in a studio also helped, enabling us to have complete control over the lighting and environment of the shoot. Thanks to Dojo’s pre-production work on the shoot, we were offered more than enough time to experiment with the different types of shots and framerates in order to achieve the best possible result.

Thanks to the aforementioned schedule, this job was a delight, with plenty of time for setups and a bit of fun with the lighting designs. We started off with the core product shots, with the model wearing the device and demonstrating how to take it on and off. Next, we grabbed some action shots, with the model performing some exercises for us to capture in a high framerate. With some water added in to simulate the athlete ‘sweating’, the shots we captured were incredible. With the action shots complete, we moved on to the next steps in using the device and captured models analysing and processing the data from the athlete, then sharing that with them to help them to improve their performance.

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